Monday, March 20, 2017

My first mad food

Hello Guys,
In this post I'd to show something unusual. Disgusting but however, as the proverb we ever hear or read is.... DON'T JUDGE BOOK BY THE COVER (Mengarang Indah).
Yupp guys, this is it #foalaah the grasshopper (belalang). Tepatnya Deep Fried Grigg. #WTF

So so so disgusting for firstime looking, tapi setelah gigitan pertama Oh My Godd, Whaatttt???
ini udang atau belalang?
crunchie, smooki, and taste like a fried shrimp!!!
Penasaran kan? Nih, aku share video detik-detik si belalang goreng ini aku makan.

Oh ya, for note info location guys!
belalang goreng ini aku dapat di daerah gunung kidul jogjakarta, sepanjang jalan saat akan menuju ke pantai kukup beach tepatnya. Harganya hanya 25.000,- rupiah saja.


enjoy yaa!!!